Talk about any issues of time management that you deal with. Is there anything you can do to manage your time better or help yourself with that?
Category Archives: Self-help
Let Go
Is there anything you need to let go of, in order to heal?
What’s Normal?
Whatever we experience, we may think of as “normal”. How do you know when something that’s normal to you, isn’t normal for most people? What is it like to discover that you’re way of thinking/being is not normal?
Time Management
Do you have any time management issues? How well do you handle your time?
Healthy Choices
The topic is: Cooperating to make healthy choices. Talk about how you can or can’t make healthy choices for yourself/selves.
How can we recognize triggers, or that we’re being affected by a trigger, BEFORE it causes problems? Or is that even possible?
Self Acceptance
How well do you truly accept yourself as you are NOW? (accepting yourself now doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t want to change though)
Why did that work?
The topics was – Understanding “why” – when things work well in my system, so that I can do it again on purpose. Talk about this.