Talk about “getting out of crisis mode”. Do you find yourself always in crisis? Why? Can you get out of crisis mode?
Category Archives: Recovery
Dealing with your Perpetrator
How have you dealt with your perpetrator(s)? Did you confront them? Are you still in relationship with them? Describe your experience in dealing with your perpetrator(s).
Staying “sick”
Comment on the topic of: “Others wanting you to stay sick”. “Others” could include those internal or external. Do you have anyone in your life who seems to want you to stay “sick”, maybe consciously or unconsciously?
Doing Well?
What’s it like to be doing well? What does that feel like or look like? What does it mean to be “doing well”?
Finding Support
Do you feel you have enough support in your life, for going through your process? Has finding support been easy or hard or something else?
Less Therapy
The topic was “being in therapy less”. Talk about anything that thought means to you.
The DID Closet
Topic: Coming out of the DID Closet. Are you able to tell others of your DID? Why or why not?
Being in the Present
Topic: Forgetting the good stuff in the present. Maybe you’re so burdened by the past, that you can’t see the present – which is actually not too bad. Talk about this topic.