Category Archives: Mixed Topics

November 2010 Meeting Topics

Comments on our November meeting topics are welcome.  Other comments are welcome too!

1) Getting “stuck” – is it a part or a memory or something else?

2) Spiritual Issues

3) Creative and constructive ways to help parts get what they need

4) Selective Amnesia

5) Having to be patient for something you really want

6) Not recognizing the discomfort of something until change happens or is possible

7) Fear of anger (we discussed both getting angry and experiencing others’ anger)

8.) How do you express intense emotions constructively?

All October Meeting Topics

Feel free to comment below on any of the topics from the October meeting:

1) Resilience

2) How crazy the rest of the world seems to be (even though I’m the one with DID!)

3) Help vs. Rescue

4) The past – fears of repeating it

5) Relationships – alters not feeling similar about an external person(s)

6) Sleep – can you sleep and others be up?

7) Venting

8.) Dealing with others who are in denial – particularly, denial of their own multiplicity

9) How do I know if it’s an alter or hypomania (causing this feeling/change)?  Does it really even matter?

All September Meeting Topics

Feel free to comment below on any of the topics from the September meeting:

1) “I hit my husband!”

2) Getting external validation or proof of my past

3) How I feel when I’m shifted (and am aware of it)

4) Who do I tell about myself?  And how much should I say?

5) Spontaneous integration or blending

6) Dealing with others’ denial, especially people significant to me