Category Archives: Mixed Topics

June 2012

Comment on or off any topics listed below for the June meeting:

  1. Losing time: feelings about it, what to do
  2. Therapist vacations
  3. Exhaustion
  4. Fear and recovery
  5. Relationships: how to have them, what they should look like, what’s realistic?
  6. Working to maintain a consistent exterior in order to relate to the world
  7. Wanting time in the body. Not wanting shifting to happen.
  8. My body locks up and I can’t move. Does that happen to you? How do you get out of it?

May 2012

Reply to any topics below, or anything else you want to say:

  1. What people say vs what they do
  2. Feelings about Mothers Day
  3. When doctors don’t take your physical health seriously because of your mental health diagnosis
  4. Therapy issues: wanna quit, losing time, do I need it?, what do I really need to work on?, sometimes seems like a waste of time, etc.
  5. Stability
  6. Control over switching
  7. Dr Phil show on DID
  8. Determining what I will and won’t deal with or live with

February 2012

Talk about any of our past topics, or anything else:

  1. Long term effects of trauma
  2. How do u feel about snow?
  3. Is it an alter or my own feelings? How do I know the difference?
  4. Grief and mourning
  5. What are appropriate relationship expectations?
  6. Responding to other peoples’ reactions to me/us

November 2011

Comment on any of the following meeting topics from November’s meeting, or anything else you want to!

  1. Accepting uncontrolled shifting
  2. Internal abusers
  3. Relationships
  4. “Just get over it.” Dealing with comments like that, feeling misunderstood and feeling like we are too much for others to deal with.
  5. Shame
  6. US of Tara TV show
  7. Upcoming holidays

October 2011

Comment on any of the following topics, or anything else you want to!

1) Relationships: how do know how much to expect from others? What’s realistic and healthy and what’s too much? And what’s expecting too little?

2) Getting rid of lifelong triggers

3) Fear of being wrong

4) What does therapy mean once healing is finished?

5) Hopefulness

6) What does being healed mean?

7) How do we accept for ourselves that we are multiple or dissociative?

8.) Is being multiple the worst thing a person can be?

9) Taking responsibility for what other parts have done.

August 2011

August meeting topics to keep talking about. Comment on any you like, or something else all together!

1) Integration: how does it work and feelings about it
2) Anxiety
3) Flashbacks
4) Therapist vacations
5) Acknowledging progress
6) Resilience
7) Healing in a spiral – how it’s circular instead of linear
8.) Dealing with loss