Talk about any issues of time management that you deal with. Is there anything you can do to manage your time better or help yourself with that?
Let Go
Is there anything you need to let go of, in order to heal?
Crisis Mode
Talk about “getting out of crisis mode”. Do you find yourself always in crisis? Why? Can you get out of crisis mode?
Dealing with your Perpetrator
How have you dealt with your perpetrator(s)? Did you confront them? Are you still in relationship with them? Describe your experience in dealing with your perpetrator(s).
Staying “sick”
Comment on the topic of: “Others wanting you to stay sick”. “Others” could include those internal or external. Do you have anyone in your life who seems to want you to stay “sick”, maybe consciously or unconsciously?
Current Relationships
Talk about any/all of the following:
1. How do you respond to others’ emotional states – and separate that from your own?
2. Talk about any relationship dynamics you are dealing with now.
3. Comment on the topic of: saying “no”
Internal Communication
How do those in your system communicate with each other? Especially with “littles” or others that are difficult to communicate with somehow.
What’s Normal?
Whatever we experience, we may think of as “normal”. How do you know when something that’s normal to you, isn’t normal for most people? What is it like to discover that you’re way of thinking/being is not normal?