October 2011

Comment on any of the following topics, or anything else you want to!

1) Relationships: how do know how much to expect from others? What’s realistic and healthy and what’s too much? And what’s expecting too little?

2) Getting rid of lifelong triggers

3) Fear of being wrong

4) What does therapy mean once healing is finished?

5) Hopefulness

6) What does being healed mean?

7) How do we accept for ourselves that we are multiple or dissociative?

8.) Is being multiple the worst thing a person can be?

9) Taking responsibility for what other parts have done.

August 2011

August meeting topics to keep talking about. Comment on any you like, or something else all together!

1) Integration: how does it work and feelings about it
2) Anxiety
3) Flashbacks
4) Therapist vacations
5) Acknowledging progress
6) Resilience
7) Healing in a spiral – how it’s circular instead of linear
8.) Dealing with loss

July 2011

1. How do you call on certain parts?
2. Becoming more aware of the affects of abuse in my every day life.
3. How do you know when you’re done with therapy?
4. What am I really trying to accomplish in therapy? What is the purpose of therapy for me?
5. Not recognizing people in different contexts.
6. Relationships

June 2011

Topics are below. Comment on any you like!

1) Unrealistic fears
3) Stability
4) Regression
5) Other peoples’ perceptions
6) Beyond the continuum theory of what it means to be multiple
7) Dealing with old triggers
8.) Getting to the right diagnosis
9) Playing

May 2011

The May meeting topics – discuss as you’d like:

1) Finding a therapist
2) Accepting myself(selves) as a multiple
3) Balancing needs of all the parts
4) Realistic expectations (of life, others, etc) – what are they??
5) Can DID people be successful parents or should they just forget about it?

April 2011

Here are the April meeting topics – discuss any that you want!

1) Controlling internal kids
2) Experiencing anger
3) Putting blame in the right place
4) Where do you feel that you have power in your life?
5) In what areas do you feel hopeless?
6) Being late to therapy
7) Feelings about switching

March 2011

1) Physical health and how it interacts with mental health

2) Finding a new shrink

3) Getting used to things being good

4) Being judged

5) Standing up for yourself with people who don’t understand why you’re switching

6) Figuring out why things work when they work!

7) Do you believe your alters?

February 2011 Topics

1) Conflicts between alters, including alters being angry at each other
2) What if one alter is alcoholic but the rest aren’t? … does that mean having a drink is wrong if you’re not the alcoholic alter?
3) Can you control your shifting? If so – how?
4) Relationships with family
5) Fear of the unknown (future)
6) Acceptance of my reality and what it really means for me
7) It’s frustrating to drop back into child alters/child-like functioning when I’m triggered
8.) Physical health
9) Guilt – for getting what you want