The topics was – Understanding “why” – when things work well in my system, so that I can do it again on purpose. Talk about this.
US of Tara
United States of Tara has ended for this season. Any final thoughts on this show for the year?
Talk about how triggers affect your life. “Triggers” here = things that take one to when one was young and make it hard to function in the present.
Suicidal Feelings
How often to do you experience suicidal feelings? And how do you cope with them? Talk about anything regarding suicidal feelings.
Getting Stuck
Have you ever felt “stuck” in therapy? Meaning, that you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere. But if you have any other definitions of “stuck”, feel free to share!
Do you have feelings of neediness? If so, how does it make you feel to be “needy” at times? Talk about anything with regard to neediness.
Trust in Relationships
Do you think you have any “trust issues” in your relationships? Explain.
Dealing with Defensiveness
When others get defensive with you, how do you handle it? Or, what happens to you? Or, how does others’ defensiveness make you feel?