Comment as you’d like. In the group people talked about: Expressing need for our therapists, to our therapists. Dealing with their absence. How feelings for our therapists might transfer or relate to our other relationships.
Suicidal Thoughts
Comment as you’d like. In the group people said things like; It’s ok to feel good. I don’t know how to feel good. I’m actually comfortable with being depressed and in the pit because it’s what I know. How do I get out of the pit?
Closet DID
How comfortable are you with your DID? Do you hide this reality from the world? Do you share it with everyone? Talk about your feelings with regard to hiding or exposing your DID to others.
Talk about your relationships and DID – including friends, family, significant others, co-workers, etc. Talk about any relationship issues you are dealing with.
Bridging 2 Worlds
How do you connect your internal world, with the real world? Or can you?
How do you access your memories?
Internal Communication
How well do you communicate internally? Are there ways to build up routines of communication?
Perpetrator Reminders
How do you deal with people who remind you of your perpetrator(s)? Are you triggered? Talk about this issue.