Talk about reading – is it part of your life? Do you like it? Why or why not?
Healthy Choices
The topic is: Cooperating to make healthy choices. Talk about how you can or can’t make healthy choices for yourself/selves.
Talk about anything related to work and MPD/DID. Are you able to work? How do you feel about work, whether you can or can’t do it?
Talk about anything related to relationships – with anyone.
Sharing My DID
How do you feel about telling others about your DID? If you have told others, how did it go?
How can we recognize triggers, or that we’re being affected by a trigger, BEFORE it causes problems? Or is that even possible?
Saying NO
Do you have any issues with saying “no” to things or people? One person in the group talked about overidentifying with others’ needs, and often trying to meet others’ needs, to their own personal detriment. Do you experience anything like that?
Non-DID Issues
How do you think your DID complicates any of your NON-DID issues? If at all.