How do those in your system communicate with each other? Especially with “littles” or others that are difficult to communicate with somehow.
How do those in your system communicate with each other? Especially with “littles” or others that are difficult to communicate with somehow.
I think I am mostly reactive when it comes to my insiders, as opposed to proactive. If someone screams loud enough or does something “loud” enough – then I try to respond somehow. I’m not so good at the proactive “let’s talk” thing.
But hey – this is better than I was. I have to say though – it’s hard. It’s hard to proactively go in there (to the “house” most of them live in, inside) and talk. It’s like too thick or long – the passage between here to there. It’s hard to get there and I feel like I can’t see very well.
I think I’ve been sorta proactive when they come out here – into the real world – and I think I can share being out with them. Or, I just let them be out and don’t even try to share. I just drop back and go… wherever it is I go… that I don’t even know….
i think it makes things easier in my system that most of us already had places inside, which meant it was more a matter of finding ways of bringing our various places together than of making them… i guess what i mean is, i don’t think that many parts had the trouble of not being able to get into the internal spot where other parts were.
but then, now that i think about it, there are a couple of parts who did, and they still have the hardest time really believing the other parts exist, or that they have as much right to share the body. hmmm.
we try a lot of different things for communication. we have a private blog where we leave notes for each other (some parts are more comfortable typing). we have little lists and notes we’ll write by hand. we’ll kind of talk with each other casually. we’ve tried having official meetings, but there are parts that really resist that. we’ve given everyone inside a magic cell phone they can use to get in touch with other parts, and that other parts can use to get in touch with them.
some of it, for me/us is just about figuring out when it’s someone else doing the talking, and making the choice to listen.
we have had the same problem, where the louder or more assertive parts have an easier time getting their needs met, and the quieter ones don’t get their needs met because we haven’t paid enough attention to communication. that’s hard. and it’s hard to take the time for that, when just the parts who are “loud” (or who front more often!) have enough they want to do to fill up more than the day can hold.