2 thoughts on “Finding Support

  1. Rachel

    We feel completely unsupported and alone. In the last decade of searching, I’ve found virtually zero support. Obviously, New Landscapes is the exception. One can only go so far with online stuff. We, as a group, need to figure out more ways to be physically there for each other- we need each other. Where is everybody?

  2. michelle

    From experience with the NL group, it really does make a big difference to meet and be with physical people who are like me/us. The first several times at the NL meetings I had such headaches because it was so overwhelming to actually just be with real live people who were saying things that I feel. I barely even said anything, and no one expected anything from me – but I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and that I was sitting with others like me! It was surreal. Even though it stirred up my head, I had to keep going back. I had finally found “my people”! Now, it doesn’t matter what is being said, just being there is comforting and helpful. I love “my people”!

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