1 thought on “Reading

  1. Jigsaw Analogy--various parts

    We like to read a lot. We have always liked to read a whole lot. We used to read every single second, like when we were walking to and from school even. In grade school, we read almost every single book in the library, so when we were supposed to write a book report about a book we had never read, there wasn’t anything left to read! But when we got bigger, then we could go to bigger libraries, and there are more books in the world than we can ever read. The problem is, some of our favorite authors have stopped writing books, and the other ones just don’t write fast enough!

    We read to cope or to relax or just to pass time. Pretty much any feeling, there is a good book we could read that will make us feel even better.

    i’m kind of addicted to reading. as in, if you substituted “reading” for whatever addiction, they’d say i was addicted. but it’s not hurting my body, and it’s not illegal, and you can get books for free at the library so it’s not even too expensive. plus, you can do it almost anywhere, except people object if you read a book at someone’s wedding.

    also, all of my friends and most of my family are readers, so it’s not like i’m upsetting anyone by doing it.

    plus, with my family history, i’d be addicted to *something*, and reading is definitely better than the other options out there.

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