Comment as you’d like. In the group people talked about: Expressing need for our therapists, to our therapists. Dealing with their absence. How feelings for our therapists might transfer or relate to our other relationships.
Comment as you’d like. In the group people talked about: Expressing need for our therapists, to our therapists. Dealing with their absence. How feelings for our therapists might transfer or relate to our other relationships.
I’m on my 5th therapist/counselor. And each one has left their mark on me. Each one has mattered a great deal to me and made a difference in my life. I am on my 5th therapist because I’ve moved or they’ve moved, plus I had several years of a break between therapist #2 and #3 – due to thinking I was all better…. and that I never had DID to begin with. Oops.
Anyway – I really do love my current T. He has been so consistent and just “there” – and I’ve been with him the longest of anyone. 4 years now. I never went longer than 2 years with any of my others. 3 of them were about 5 months or less.
May this be my final “T”