2 thoughts on “Coping with Change

  1. jigsaw analogy--no name

    i hate change. i hate when i have to go from something that isn’t great but at least i know what it’s like to something new that will probably be worse. that’s what’s happening right now–we have to move because our landlord is a jerk, and since we can’t afford anything half this decent, we’ll have to pay more money for something that i like even less. it sucks. i have no options. and on top of all that i am sure to get stuck doing all the stuff like packing and planning because w isn’t going to do any of it or else shell probably do things in a way that she knows will mean i just have to do it over or get really frustrated.

  2. chariots

    Aww – sorry Jigsaw 🙁
    I know I can relate to being forced to change something, and it is no fun. I feel like we have been going through a lot of external, forced changes for over a year now too – and it’s been terribly unsettling. Pretty much shakes us to the core. Moving, jobs, relationships….. change, change, change – uncertainty, stress, AAAAARRRRGHHH!!! And all the external stresses and changes and uncertainty, sure make it hard to deal with anything internally.

    Surviving for me has involved trying to limit my focus to “just today”, or “just this hour”….. I’ve found myself saying to myself many times now, “you’re ok right this second right? You’re body doesn’t hurt right this moment right? You still have enough to eat today right? You still have a place to sleep tonight. No one important to you has died today….. ” Like I’m trying to focus on what I have right this second so I can survive today. Because if I look at tomorrow or the uncertainty of surviving till next month (financially, mentally, through external expectations), I pretty much have a breakdown. So I seem to be doing a lot of self talk lately.

    And – coping with changes – HAS meant I’ve had a few breakdowns. But ultimately, I get through those too – and they often even provide relief, in a convoluted upside-down way. To, me the worst that could happen is that I die – and honestly, that’s not the worst thing that could happen to me. Death would mean relief actually, from all this struggle. So even the “worst case scenario” – actually seems good to me!



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