2 thoughts on “Defending Oneself

  1. jigsaw analogy--no name

    for me defending myself is like, i have to do lots of things exactly right all the time. so i pay attention to other people a lot and make sure i’m not going to do something that upsets them or something. it’s really hard for me not to do that all the time, and act the way i think i’m supposed to, even if it isn’t how i feel. but kind of i’m learning it’s ok not to do what some parts think is the right thing, even if it doesn’t get me help. but sometimes i think maybe that’s a bad idea, because even if the bad stuff from the past doesn’t happen, bad stuff like people not being my friend any more just because i say i want them to stop being mean to me… that kind of thing happens and it just makes me feel like maybe my old way of defending myself by finding ways not to act upset was probably better.

    i don’t know if i made any sense but i’ll post anyways

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