4 thoughts on “Sex

  1. chariots

    Sex is …………… FRUSTRATING!!! And lots of other things I don’t have the patience to talk about right now I guess! Though, someone talked about a cycle the other day: pleasure that leads to pain that leads to blame that leads to shame…….. blah. My little aliens identified with that.

    It’s supposed to be this great thing, yet sometimes it’s so – hard.

  2. fragmentized

    Sex is… difficult. Mostly because I’m aware that it is a very natural human need. I find myself in a vicious cycle of “I know I want sex.” “I know my husband must want sex” “I should give my husband sex.” to having sex… To feeling used-up emotionally and physically… to avoiding contact altogether.

    And I hate that cycle.

    I also DESPISE the words “making love”. I hate them because their real meaning was taken away from me. When anyone says those words in reference to me, it’s a major trigger.

  3. dustinthewind

    I miss it.

    I know I’m capable of having good sex. Maybe just not right now. Now seems like forever. My spouse would agree.

    He tells me he misses me. I say I miss me too, and I wish it were easier for me to be with him.

    He needs to know this is as hard on me as it is on him.

    It really sucks when you don’t even want to be touched by the one person who really can offer real love and not simply sex.

    For now, we sorta tabled sex for a while and we are working on intimacy. I’m not too good at this either. Maybe this will make sex easier/better when I am ready.

    A couple of times I have managed to isolate one part who enjoys sex and is not ashamed of it and it is not self-abusive. I didn’t even know I had a part like this. I got the others to go to safe places and the rest went to the movies cause they wouldn’t really wanna be present anyway. This worked, but I can’t always do it cause other parts are too hurt or just wanna be out. I had to talk with my spouse prior to doing this because its kinda illegal to have sex with a minor (she’s only 17– God bless her).

  4. fragmentized

    heh. 17 seems to be a common age for sexual parts. My hypersexual alter is also 17.

    Something about hovering just at the brink of adulthood/legal status.. I dunno.

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