This spot is for you younger alters/insiders/people/parts/littles who want to say anything at all. Feel free to say something here……. or under any of the other posts for that matter!
This spot is for you younger alters/insiders/people/parts/littles who want to say anything at all. Feel free to say something here……. or under any of the other posts for that matter!
hi everyone!!!!
we dont get to have enuf fun
Hey! Hi, Sam!
Its me,C.J.!
Remember me? write to me if you do.
Sorry if this isn’t Sam that I know.
hi CJ!! fun ya, we went to the zoo a bit ago and it was GREAT!!! maybe we wanna c kungfoo panda or somthing now
wahts your favoirte stuff to do??
This blog looks DIFFRENT today!! O!! i was SO suprized to see it is green my favrit but now i do not no wher things are that wer here befor!!
Thank you to the persun who changed it i no who you are but i will not say yor naem here caues i bet you want to be privit.
I liked to go to the zoo it was so fun. espeshully i liekd the pingwins and poller bears!!!!
Bye! probly i will not see you for a long tiem caues we are going on a trip but then i will coem hoem and i will see you agin ok. by.
Hi Mandy – Green is my favrite color too!
(my name is C.J. and I am 6)
Hi Sam!!!
We arent usually here so it is great that I saw you, and I almost didnt see you. Uhmmmmm….
what do I like to do? Just about most things exept for the things I dont like to do. Maybe I can come back here. I hafta go cause I said if we checked the websites then 18boy can watch his movie and I can have 2 donuts with him before the movie gets scary and then I promised to go.
mmmmmm donuts!! and yay so nice to see my friensd here! maybe we can all see the zoo again soon! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm CJ so what do you don’t like to do??? 😉
O!!!!! i wuld LOVE to go to the zoo or the kwariem one or 2 more tiems this summer. ther is a ecksibet i super want to see also it is fun to be on the carasel of BUGS!!!!!
maby in agest we can go to the zoo or september insted.
ps wat movie did you see?
18boy watched a really gory mafia movie an I saw the first 5 minutes and then I didnt care how many donuts I had. I went to bed.
Kunfoo Panda sounds good to me
Oh yeah.
I like zoo and fishes and movies. Are body gets really hurting sumtimes so we hafta be careful to see if we can do things. I dont like this, but at least we get to do some fun things.
hm. this is INtarEsting!! where are the swirly words i wonder??
do i have ta leave the email address before i can talk.
please tell me. it has been a long time since i wrote here and i forget. and i don’t know a URI. what is that?
Nope u don’t have to fill in any blanks if u don’t want to! Happy writing!
everyone is talking about the Tara TV show and someone said that they don’t have littles cause littles are too much trouble. do you think we are more trouble? i feel very left out sometimes when i don’t underrstand some stuff and i don’t know how to explain things and they can do grown up things with people that i have to go away for cause i am too young.
i am feeling lonely and left out. thank you
from Meggie
i’m sorry you’re feeling lonely and left out.
i think the reason they don’t have littles is that it’s hard to show what littles are really like unless you know some. and even then, maybe they don’t want to make fun of littles.
we think maybe there will be a little who comes later, because they were playing a clapping game at the end of the last episode. usually the littles of my system don’t come out until they’ve known people for a while, and we’ve only known tara for about 2 hours. 🙂
or maybe they don’t have littles because the show isn’t appropriate for kids, and they don’t want to get littles interested.
Thank you ellis. maybe all those things. but sometimes i feel not so important to anyone. the older ones can do more things.
and last night i thought i will never get adopted…not really or have a mommy and daddy who love me.
we are going to see a movie tonight. its called coraline. its from a childrens book. i hope it is not too too scary.
but i do hope they have a nice little on tv so people would know about us and think we are important.
and i nver want to be that intergrated word cause then i would not be meggie anymore.
bye now
We want to see Coraline TOo! I hope we can see it next week or maybe see that and Inkheart. Usually if a movie is scary then someone inside will remind the ones who are scared that it is just a movie. A very good movie we saw was Journey to the Center of the earth 3 d. Also bolt was a good movie it was 3 d too!
Another movie we super, SUPER want to see is the planet earth one it does not come till earth day that is a long time.
We did not get adopted cause we live in a grown up body. But that is ok, we have W she is not our parent but she is very nice to us. we hope you also hav soemoen who is nise to you and maby lets you play or stuf. it is nise to have a gron up frind but also i want a frind who is 5 or 6 it was ivy who started this comment but i am mandy i am 5 or 6. i hav a lot of toys but not to many frinds and i do not no a singel persun who is about my age.
i hoep you can have soemone who will be nise to you.
Hi Ivy and Mandy~ you can go to the movie cause it is not too scary. its so fun with 3D glasses on. I want to see the journey to the center of earth. and the movie theater was very cool too.
only 2 people in the whole world know me and my name. which is not counting you. i wrote to you a long time ago Mandy but i did not write to you Ivy cause I did not know you. then I could not have a computer for a long time and now I have it again.
so mandy i am around 6 and i know you.
does W who is not your parent ever get mad at you or hit you? I hope W is always nice to you. bye
W sometimes gets mad but she does not hit or yell or call me names. It is ok in our house to get mad but you are not allowed to be mean here. That is the rule. Even if I was super bad she would not hurt me or yell or call names. Not even when the teenagers are super bad and sometimes they are soooo bad!! But W says I should not say they are bad, just what they DO is not ok.
I am sorry you did not have a computer for a long time. I usually have a computer. I am glad the movie was fun. I super want a projector for our house then we can watch everything like a movie even if we forget to see it when it is in the theater. But those are very exspensive so probably we will not get one.
I have tickets for movies that are free but I still don’t get to see movies all the time because other parts get too busy or something.
I think only a couple of people know about me Ivy but lots more people know Mandy and the other ones inside. I did not have a name for a long time. I used to just be invisibel all the time but now I am not invisible it is more fun this way. When you are invisible it is hard to find out it is safe now but when you get super brave and let someone see you then maybe it is a little safe and you can get a little more safe and then a little more brave. When people know who you are then they are nice to you. At least for me, they want me to say, because maybe it is not that way for everyone maybe I am just lucky.
It is nice to talk to you. I hope you write more on here.
Ivy…Hi i can only write quick tonight cause i can tell that one of the others want to come, but don’t forget me. i am glad to know ivy. i wil write again.
W sounds very very nice. i am glad you are so safe.
look for me again. when i get out again soon.