This place will be here each month for you younger alters/insiders/people/parts/littles who want to say anything at all. Feel free to say something here……. or under any of the other posts for that matter!
This place will be here each month for you younger alters/insiders/people/parts/littles who want to say anything at all. Feel free to say something here……. or under any of the other posts for that matter!
Hello! I want to do a feeld trip. liek we culd go to the zoo or the kwarium. at the zoo i think probly they have littel baby animuls and it wuld be so nice to go see the baby animuls. and at the kwarium it is cool they have lots of fish and other stuff liek seels and stuff.
Maby we culd do a feeld trip and then i culd have soemone to go to the zoo or the kwarium with me?
I wuld liek to have a play date liek soemone comes to my hous and we play blocks or trains or puzzels or tea party or soemthing but i am not aloud to ask soemone to come to my hous if i do not no them for a long tiem. but probly i am aloud to say can we have a feeld trip.
i know I’ve got some people who would love to go field tripping in the city – and especially to things like zoos and aquariums……. the weather’s getting better. we gotta go do something! we’d love to figure something out ;o)
I think the zoo is far away. but what if we had a play date and we couldn’t figure out what to do and there was no one there to help us. Do your grown up people always stay around when you are playing? Could we ever really do a field trip? That would so cool. I would like to get ice cream cones and sit in a park and et it and maybe play on the grass. but I have never done anything like this with a real friend. do you think it could really happen or is just a big wish?
here goes those crazy wavy words now…ugh.
I have done a play date with just boring gron up frinds. they are ok but they are only gron ups.
I have a hole lot of ideas for a play date like we go to the beach there is a play grond there that is ok for gron ups to go in with no outside littel kids. i made sure and it is ok there! so we culd go on the slide and swings and stuff. that is very fun.
Or we can throw pop corn at the ducks. there is a place that sells pop corn just for feeding the ducks and i do that soem tiems.
I bet it CULD really happen! o yes! caues it is ok for gron ups to play. or maby we culd do hop scoch. that shuld be a new exercise for gron ups caues it is good exercise!!
My gron ups or teen agers are around soemtiems unless it is safe for a kid to be there, liek if there is a outside gron up then i can be there by my self or soemthing. probly the first feeld trip or soemthing then i wuld have a gron up close but when we are frinds then it can just be us that is my plan.
My gron up i live with her name starts w i do not no if i am alowd to say her hole name. but she says i can get a member ship at the zoo that means i can go any tiem i want and take one frind. i am ecksited about that but it will not be for a long tiem, not until in april or soemthing.
I wuld liek to make a plan for a fun day. liek we culd go to prospeckt park that is where i feed the ducks. that is not to spensive it is only one kwarter for a bag of pop corn for the ducks. wuld soemone liek to go and feed the ducks one tiem? i bet w will come with us if you want to be sure there is a sponsible person. she is a teacher so she is VERY sponsible for kids. but that has to be on a week end. maby sunday?
Ellis inside says i am making it go to fast and pepul have plans and stuff but maby it is a good idea to go fast! i wuld liek to feed ducks on sunday if soemone wants to go!!!
my littles are clearly not alone in their desire to have someone their age to play with, but i think (and other people agree) that it would be better to have those discussions somewhere a little less public.
so i started a bulletin board specifically for NY area multiples who are interested in socializing with other multiples. it’s not a support group, just a place where we can make some plans for socializing. most of the board isn’t visible unless you’re a member, but you can see the general guidelines and how to become a member by going here:
hope it’s ok for an older one to post here!
darn it!
the link i posted just now was too specific.
for the main page of the board, go here:
you won’t see much of it until you’re a member, but that is the main link. ok.
I’m not sure if it’s okay to post here as an adult either, but frankly, I think the entire blog really needs to be behind a secure login anyway, especially areas that involve littles. I like what this blog stands for and what it is doing. I do think it should be private and secure, though, rather than public and open. What is that second word?
I am sad. One of my other parts, Maria, tried to register me at the safe site for littles. But she tried to use another email addrress that she thought she had and we dont’have it and she doesn’t want to use her real name address and now I can’t go there. Now I am crying. She is upset and the rest of them are angry that I want to put down the main email but they want privacy.
does mr. jigsaw know what I should do. we don’t want everyone knowing our business cause the main one has an important job and doesn’t want everyone to know that we are many in one body.
i am so sad.
nothing is easy for us. we try just to have fun and talk as ourslef and we can’t. cause we have to be a secret.
I hate having no one know my name. They only know the big one name and there are others of us.
I wanted to go play and have friends. now I can’t cause we did it wrong. please tell mr. jigsaw we are sorry about the mistake.
It is ok, Cathy! I saw someone who had a name of Cathy for that site, I bet it is you, cause not many other people can find out about that site! Why you did not get active right away is so a spam person can not be a member, so I hafta check and make sure it is not a spam person first before your account will work.
Also I will just say all the people in this jigsaw are girls. It is ok, just a mistake cause you do not know us yet.
I get lonely too, even though there are some people I can be friends with, but they are only grown up friends, so I am lonely for a friend my age. LOTS of us inside are lonely for a friend our age! That is why we made the board for meeting people who can be friends our age!
My name is Michelle. I am eight. (It was Ellis who set up the board though. She is a teen ager.)
A few notes – also left in “Trust”:
**We will get the new NYC DID Bulletin Board posted here on the blog and on our main site soon! Thanks for setting this up Jigsaw.
**Also – as for creating more privacy on this site – we would need to take it to the next group meeting and have a vote on that. In discussing the blog at the last meeting – everyone liked it and felt ok about it as it is. But it is new and changes can keep being made till we’re happy about it.
My suggestion for now, would be to create a ‘group’ name like Jigsaw suggested. It really is up to you – because even a ‘private bulletin board’ – is not TOTALLY safe. Whether you write in to a private board or blog or not, you still need to protect your privacy, and the privacy of those you refer to. Ie – using an initial for the name of your therapist or significant other or friends, etc. In general, write in such a way as to protect yourself and those you know. Writing anything personal/private online carries some risk.
In light of this issue – a new blog guideline has been added that reads:
4) Be careful not to share personal/private information such as: Your real name, phone numbers, address, email, names of those you know and care about (significant other, friends, therapist, etc), meeting places. Recognize that anyone can read this, so protect yourself and others you know.
**As for the wavy words that you have to type to submit your comments – If you click on the “?” next to the “reCaptcha” word, it explains a lot about it. For one thing, doing this keeps computers from spamming our blog – in order for a comment to come through, an actual person needs to see these words and type them. Another thing that’s kinda cool about it – is apparently we’re providing a service to the world – one of the 2 words is an actual scanned word from documents that are in the process of being converted to digital type. Apparently we are helping to convert these documents each time we do this!
However, if enough people hate this, it can be removed. It just provides a bit of a safety net from spam.
Thank you Jigsaw-Michele for not getting angry with me and for being soooo nice to me and saying it was only a mistake. I went back with help from Maria and jane (jane is a teenager too just like Ellis) and I left a blog. And we all read the other post from the blog admin and we will be careful. We always try to be careful about our secrets and us but it is so nice to have a place.
You made me feel happy. It feels so good when people are nice to me. thank you a scillion times.
we want to be safe but we want not to be invisible but the big ones say its hard to be both.
O boy! it is nice to make pepul be happy! i am so glad we did soemthing to make a persun feel happy! thank you for telling me!!
You hafta ask a big one about being safe, but when they say it is ok, then you do not have to be invisibul. you can tell soemone if they say it is safe. and soemtiems you just have to ecksplain how it is safe to do soemthing like tell soemone about you or soemthing.
Maby we can be frinds? but they say i hafta be pashent and get to no you first. so i will do that and then we will be frinds!!!
We can be freinds. I will learn how. we can maybe learn how to get to know each other. I will ask the big ones to help me have my own outside friend.
I like tea parties too mandy. I like weak tea and cookies. and maybe we can tell each other fun secrets and stories. I like to make up stories about pretend friends who make me feel better. I like to pretend. sometimes I pretend I have a bedroom like in the book about a great green room. I pretend when I go to bed that a nice lady sits in a rocking chair and knits mittens and watches me while I go to sleep. I pretend when I look at pictures in books that I can go to those places and sail boats or fly kites. I don’t think I could fly a kite but it is fun to pretend nice things.
your friend, cathy
O! it is not to hard to fly a kite! i got a kite and it is easy if you have a frind to help! the frind holds the kite and you hold the string and then the kite goes up in the wind!!
I do not liek tea partys to much but michelle inside lieks them and some other ones. i will have a tea party if my frind lieks a tea party caues it is good if you have a frind to let them choose the thing to play. that is fair.
Do you have a bed room inside your head? i have one it is ok. it has a bed it is soemtiems a pirate ship bed and soemtiems a regular bed and soemtiems a hiding bed where you are super safe. also my room has my very own toys i do not share. but in the hous we live in inside there are other places with toys we do share but we are careful and do not brak the toys on purpos. our inside hous is neat but also i liek our outside house with real toys caues real toys are better mostly.
You know how to fly a kite. That is so great. I have lots to tell you but I and someone else are not yet sure how much to say here. Am I allowed to ask a question?
Do you go to the meetings? You know the ones on Saturday? I have never gone but maybe we would like to go now.
do you know what I am talking about? And does it make any difference to you how old the body I am in is? Its an older body but I am young.
u shud come. all ages of bodies are there. yonger bodies and older bodies 2. u can always leave or wat if u need 2. :o) i even said stuf one time and im like 8 or 10 or somthing but our body is for sur older than that
Sam are you friends with Ellis or Mandy? I could bring notes or pictures for my friend and if I can’t talk I could leafve them a note on the seat maybe.
I don’t want to come and us look stupid or anything.
what do you think…yes? come.
I forgot im not suposed 2 give advice!!! and i said ‘u shud come’ !!! oops. ummm – u should do watever u want!!!! And Well alls I can say is that IF u want2 come u can always change ur mind and leave if u want 2 wenever u want. Like lets say it gets 2 scary or somthin. and ya we know Ellis and those guys ;o)
ok this is the last question I am asking for all of us. I promise. I don’t make to make trouble for anyone. you have ben nice. you forgot a rule cause we made you forget for a minute.
we are sorry if cathy asked you “what do you think?” about coming to the meeting. I hope she did not get you in trouble for giving advice. It wasn’t like real advice. I knew you weren’t trying to tell us what to do. we just said maybe we would come and you guys said yea, u shud come and I understood you meant that we should come if we wanted.
what happens if we break a rule?
what will happen to you now that you broke a rule. it wasn’t your fault you know. we ask too many questions.
please do not even answer the questions I just asked about getting in trouble.
just tell the person who makes the rules that it was my fault and u did not do anything wrong. you were trying to be kind. I made you break the advice rule cause I didn’t know and I ask.
i am so sorry. but it is not YOUR fault.
I will not write again. I don’t want anyone else hurt for my fault if I made them break rules.
please forgive me if you get in trouble. I hope you are safe. don’t let them blame you. Keep saying that I said it waas our fault.
take care of yourself please.
We do go to those meetings! They are a littel boring to us but the big ones like it ok.
What happens when you break a rule is they say “whoops! remember the rule!” and that is all. You do not get in trubul. You just try not to do it a diffrent time. It is ok to make a mistake, cause people make a mistake and then they try to do better!
You can be any age at those meetings, but mostly it is the grown ups talking or someone who is acting like a grown up. That is ok. But sometimes we want someone who is NOT a grown up to talk to, but at the meeting it is more grown up. But then when there are other kids, then it is not so lonely. But the meeting is for a partickular thing, and that is not to play it is to talk. That is ok. But maby we will also do a fun thing sometimes not at the meeting like playground or ducks or a movie or a kite. Maby I will bring bubbles to the meeting next time and blow bubbles! Or maby that is against the rules so I will not do that if it will make someone upset.
ya the meeting is mostly 4 the adults. but we can talk 2 if we try 2 follow ther ules. ….but ya mostly littles dont talk much. anyway to flowers – dont worry. no one wil put u in jail or somthing. u can ask questions no prolbelem. and wen i forgot about no advice its not a bid deal. i just say oops like i did and remeember.
if u nveer rite again just becuz u think u make a mistake well thats no good. so dont wory. and besides u didnt make a mistlake. u can ask questions. we just suposed to not tell u wat 2 do u no?? o plus it is not like 1 persona maks the rules. the group made them and watnot ands its for safty reasons not 2 skwish anyone.
no worys flowers! k? k.
About giving ADVICE: We say not to give advice because we have to be careful. No one can or should take responsibility for someone else’s actions or decisions at our NL group or in this forum. When you give advice, you’re taking on some responsibility for someone else. People can definitely give their opinions and what they think about themselves, but should try not to give direct advice to someone else.
As far as the interactions here went (above) – don’t worry at all. It’s more of an issue if someone keeps on doing something that goes against the guidelines. Sam is right on in saying that you can just say “oops” and move on. Any well intentioned people (which you all seem to be) are welcome here.
Once you understand the guidelines a little better – you might find you can say some of the same things in a different way. ie – Sam might have been able to say something like, “Well I don’t know if you should go or not, but I’m glad I’m going. If you do go you can always leave
if you need to. I would love to see you come and try!” Sam still would’ve said what s/he thought, but s/he wouldn’t have told Flowers directly what to do. This might be too formal for a ‘little’ – but you get the idea. What Sam said with the “I forgot… ” post was just perfect too.
If someone does consistently cross guidelines or say something that is clearly hurtful/blatant/harmful – the comment(s) will be deleted.
Again, no one here was being anything but kind. And the guidelines are meant for safety, not to harm or scare anyone off. May you all continue to keep on talking. Don’t be afraid. Nothing ‘bad’ happened here at all.
me wanna no why we cant live with our tpshrink? it wud be safe there
how cum we cant?
i dunno. crazy grown up rules i gess. woud be better than the hospital dont ya think??? well one time our helper didnt want us to go to a hospital and so then she gave us a spot to go to wenever we needed to and it reallllly helped. an so then we dident hafta go to a hospital and im so glad.
We do not get to live with those nice people cause they have LOTS of people who they help and they are not allowed to play favorites cause that would make some people feel very bad. That is what I think.
What my lady I go to see does is she helps me to find a way to make a safe place that is not just at her office but is also in a different place like my house. And she helps me to find people who are safe I can call at a different time. That is what my lady does. It is good cause that means then I get more than one safe place. She does this for everyone inside my body who talks to her! And she is so nice. Also one time she played a game or two times or three times.
But at home, then W will play a game, or other people will. Even they will do a puzzel or something like that. It is good to have different people to be your friends. I will not count on just one person, because it was not good for me with just one person. More people is better for me. I have three people who will help me if I need help.
O!!! i thot of a game we can play! Rigt here on this blog! the gaem is we can play i spy with my littel eye. i will see soemthing and then soemone can ask a kweschun to find out what it is! the thing you see hasta be on this page, not soemwhere els, ok? that way we can all play it is fair.
I will start. i spy with my littel eye soemthing… red.
Uh oh! i forgot to change the name. that post was me Mandy not cleo!!
that captcha thing!!!
i spy a word that can make cookies and is a prity plant 2
and i hope more peeple write in becuz that woud be nice
O!! maby i gesst it! is it a persun’s name?
I will not say rigt away so a diffrunt persun gets a chans to ask!
guess no one else wants 2 play. so – ya! its a persons name ;o) …….and i think the person left us for good becuz she got scared off i guess. i wish she dident scar so easy :o( but i gess we have peeple who scare easy 2. i fogrtet becuz im prety strong and not so scared
O!! it is flowers!!
Maby that persun is busy and they will be back a diffrunt tiem. it is ok to come soemtiems and not every tiem i gess.
I spy with my littel eye soemthing that is red and wite!! this is super HARD you will hafta look lots of places.
I WAS scared. I am sorry I get so scared. You are all so nice. I don’t know how to be all the time.
But I can play here and be safe.
red and white…is it on this page?
oh wait. i just saw something. is it somethng on the bottom?
o boy!!! you are back!! i missed you! i am glad you are here!!!!!
the thing is on yor screeen but not ecksactly on the page!!
you just made me laugh. i wanted to come back but i was worried that i coulda gotten someone in trouble. i will try to remember the opps.
I missed you too Mandy. I kept reading though…like I was peeking.
ok, this is a fun game. i need clues. so can I ask.
is it at the bottom of my screen or is it at the top?
I have a maybe idea.but this is fun.
ummmm……….. i c a red dot and on my screen it woud make this page go away!!! ….. and white i c everywhere!!!
hi flowers!!! so glad u came bak and that u kept peeking. i was hoping u wer peeking and mite c that we missed u!! ;o)
Sam found it!!!!
I am glad cathy was peeking so maby she was not to lonly only she did not talk that is ok to not talk. i am glad wen you talk to cathy you are nise!!!
from mandy!
that was good Sam. you found it. i am back. the older ones are not posting yet cause they don’t really know anyone here. but i know you guys. so i cn post. and meggie is just a little older than me…not so much so she might post. she likes her own way and she likes to make parties.
she likes to wear pretty girl dresses and likes attention. i like to wear regular clothes and not fance dresses…ugh.
soon the weather will be nice and I will want to go to the park.
i was crying last week but today i am not.
i hope you guys are okay today cause i want you to be my friends.
thats it? the red dot? k. cool!
hey to ur older people – they dont havta know anyone 2 post stuff. they can just say wat they think 2! every1 can hav a sayso
Tell yor gron ups that how they can maek frinds with soemone is they will say soemthing and then soemone els will say soemthing and then they will be frinds!! or maby they will be ENEMIES! that is funny for me caues we will not REALLY be enemies! but only they will find out if they write soemthing, that is how they can no soem pepul.
I am doing ok to day. we have some prodjects liek a websiet and stuff and we are working on thos it is very busy but that is ok. then i will get a turn to draw soem pickchurs for my web siet i have one that just the littel kids have we shar it the only big one is amanda she is 11 the rest of us are littel on that siet.
We are writeing a story about how when the littel kids found a way to get OUT of the body and be in a body by them selves liek every one of them got ther own body that is our story we are writeing now!!
O!!! i forgot to say to sam about the red dot caues on my computer it is a skwar, not a dot, but you gessed the thing any way!!!
from mandy!!
PS now it is soemone elses turn to spy soemthing with ther littel eye!!
I’ll play too. I spy something with my little eye that is dark blue and white and reminds me of the night.
cathy and I found it together. cathy is sleeping now but I am still awake. she sleeps early so she doen’t get too scared.
Hi Meggie! How old are you? I’m Amanda, and I’m 11.
Mandy is here too, and she wants to know if the thing you see is on this page, or somewhere else.
Hi, we are sometimes not sure of our exact age. time is confusing to all of us. and sometimes it feels like our age changes a little and I feel a little more grown up, especially around Cathy and sometimes I feel the same. i think we always get most confused this time of year cause our main person has a birthday and she is OLD.
but I am abour 8 or 9. and jane is a teen.
so hi Amanda and Mandy . Here is how I can describe the hint.
It is not exact ON THE PAGE but you have to be on this page to see it.
go, and i’ll tell you if your getting hot.
Do we only hafta be on THIS page, or is it any tiem we are on a web page?
You made a trickey one!!
from Mandy!
No, not just on the littles page. but we do have to be on this blog page.
I hope its the same for all the different kind of computers.
I’ll give another hint. on the other side of this thing is something round and red and white.
uuhhhhh………… is it the big blok at the top that says its the blog??? becuz its blue and white and kinda gets darker at teh bottom like the nite
I guess maybe it is not ON this page. It is above it and it is a square.
and it doesn’t have night stars but it has something else thsat looks to me like something you only see at night.
O!!!!! i see it!!! that was a tricky thing!! it is a moon!! but i will not say wher until sam gets a chans to gess to!!!!!!
I am ecksited caues we are makeing CUP CAKES!!! they will be DEELISHUS cup cakes with beeuteeful frosting!! i am lucky for having cup cakes! i hope you can maek cup cakes if you liek them to!!!
from mandy!
i dont noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! we have a mac compter so mabey we cant see the same stuff as u guys ????? i giving up