3 thoughts on “System Meetings

  1. JA

    well, we haven’t been having them recently, because there is a part (or parts) who object so strenuously that they haven’t been able to happen. or maybe she is just keeping *me* from the meetings? i don’t know. probably not.

    when we do have them, one of the things that has helped is imagining a spot inside our mind where we get together. it used to be the kitchen of our “magic house,” back when the adults were around. lately, it’s been more of a rec room place, where the rest of us hang out more. the adults still are only kind of vaguely there, if at all. they’re not the ones in charge, though. but sometimes they are there.

    anyhow. we just kind of choose a time, or call a meeting when someone thinks of it. we come together into that place, and try to get the little kids to stop being noisy and silly and off-topic. then we talk about the things that are going on.

    we used to try to have meetings by writing in a journal, but that wasn’t going very well. it would get way too noisy inside, because only one person could write at a time, and people weren’t doing well with taking turns, and then some parts couldn’t get heard. works better to have our eyes closed and imagine the meeting.

    i guess we do have little meetings sometimes, even now. you know, kind of checking in about the day or stuff. but a lot of that has come apart again, with the one who is trying to keep meetings from happening, or even parts talking together.

    it was weird for me and i think for some of the older ones when we first started trying to have meetings, because it felt weird to identify the different input, like different parts saying things. because with the older ones especially, it’s hard for us to hear the difference between our voices and stuff, and we’re all used to thinking we’re just one person, even though it’s pretty clear we’re not. so it took a while to be able to accept we all exist, and then to learn how to listen. a lot of the time, it’s just thoughts and feelings, and not a sense of someone actually saying something in words. it’s hard to figure out how to tune into that.

  2. Cooper

    We are not good at meetings. We used to be. They were actually quite helpful but the system is too big, so we broke it down into teams with similar interests or functions and those teams make decisions in those areas. If it’s a big issue, it goes to the team leaders representing all teams and it goes on paper. Little bit like a bulletin board. We’ll leave an issue up on the wall for a few days and eventually everyone posts a comment whether verbally or by a picture if we don’t have time for a formal meeting (we usually don’t have a lot of time). We use paper, computer, journal, whatever it takes to get the answer we’re having a challenge with. Sometimes it takes working one on one with a particular part, too. So meetings take many forms and can involve as few as one or the entire crew. Depends on the issue.

  3. B

    I’m not so sure anyone would reeeeeaaly want to know about our ‘meetings’. I’m not so sure I want to say either. So y am I saing anything then? I dont no. Mabey I’m actually mad about something else altogether. I am. Im mad. We have meetings tho 2 – except hardly anyone talks. We pretty much just sit there together. Thats about it for now at least.

    Mostly tho Im mad. and its about something else all together. Maybe i just wanted to say so. IM MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS EVERYONE SO ……….. nvm. AND EVERYTHIHNG SO HARD????????? apaoiwbh riuhtf irhgfhvbanb;ijeiifah;fvb ha a4oieiirigh a;bna;erfgjwfja!!!!

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