Whatever we experience, we may think of as “normal”. How do you know when something that’s normal to you, isn’t normal for most people? What is it like to discover that you’re way of thinking/being is not normal?
What’s Normal?
2 Replies
Whatever we experience, we may think of as “normal”. How do you know when something that’s normal to you, isn’t normal for most people? What is it like to discover that you’re way of thinking/being is not normal?
It’s hard for DID people to find others who can relate to them. This can lead to isolation. Talk about your issues of isolation and why you have become isolated at one time or another (if you have at all).
How well do you accept yourself and your story? Or the stories of your alters/parts?
What kinds of things come to mind when you think of “external children”? Go ahead – free associate or whatever, about this topic.
How is your sexual life? How do you feel about sex in general? … or in specific
Do you deal with issues of abandonment? How does this affect your life? Your relationships?
Talk about how family affects you. What kinds of patterns do you have with family?